Project Details



About This Project

SUE Solutions successfully completed the utility investigations for this UDOT Region One project located in Weber and Box Elder County, Utah. SUE Solutions contracted with UDOT Region One to provide subsurface utility engineering in the form of Quality Level B horizontal designating) and Quality Level A (test holes). The project consists of the addition and construction of additional travel lanes along I-15 between the 2700 North (Farr West) interchange and the 1100 South (Brigham City) interchange. SUE Solutions researched the existing utility owners within the project area and used their existing mapping to designate the underground utilities within the most critical areas of the project. Critical areas along the project corridor included the 7800 South overpass structure, the 8700 South overpass structure, the 750 North interchange structure, and the Perry Port of Entry. Extensive utility coordination with utility owners also took place. Upon completion of the Quality Level B investigations, SUE Solutions designated, surveyed, and processed into CAD approximately 33,775 feet of existing utilities to Quality level B specifications. In addition, SUE Solutions also completed twenty-four (24) test holes at critical locations within the project gathering crucial utility information, vital to the project’s design. Utilities designated and accounted for included culinary water, natural gas, electrical, phone, fiber optics, and storm drain. SUE Solutions was able to complete the SUE investigations ahead of schedule and under budget.
