UDOT Region Two utilized its On-Call Contract with SUE Solutions, to provide subsurface utility engineering services in the form of Quality Level D (existing utility owner mapping research), Quality Level B (designating), and Quality Level A (test holes) for this project located in Taylorsville, Utah. This project widened the I-215 westbound off-ramp to Redwood Road (SR-68) to include a third westbound I-215 to southbound Redwood Road left-turn lane to help ease congestion. SUE Solutions identified eleven (11) utility owners within the project limits, covering eight (8) different utility types. Upon the completion of the SUE activities, SUE Solutions successfully mapped approximately 1,575 lineal feet of utilities to Quality Level D standards and specifications, while designating approximately 1,435 lineal feet of utilities to Quality Level B standards and specifications. Due to the Quality Level B and D information delivered, UDOT was able to determine that no test holes would be required. This resulted in an overall SUE cost savings of 64%. SUE Solutions provided UDOT with a final utility CAD file along with photographs of the designated utilities as its deliverable.