Brown & Caldwell contracted with SUE Solutions to conduct Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services for a project for North Davis Sewer District. SUE Solutions Scope of Work included Quality Level C (“dipping” of sewer and storm drain for inverts, sizing, material, and connectivity), Quality Level B (designating), and Quality Level A (test holes). North Davis Sewer District was planning to replace or rehabilitate existing sewer facilities, as well as install new sewer facilities throughout the overall project area. For the purpose of the SUE activities, the project was at separated into five (5) areas where SUE Solutions was to focus the SUE efforts. SUE Solutions conducted its Quality Level B (designating) activities prior to the test hole activities to further refine the requested test hole locations. Upon the review of the QL-B designating, Brown & Caldwell was able to reduce the quantity of desired test hole locations from 30 to 3, resulting in an overall SUE cost savings of 57%. SUE Solutions successfully completed the test hole activities gathering critical information such as depth, size, and material, ahead of schedule and under budget. The final deliverable consisted of a comprehensive final SUE report which contained photographs of designated utilities, and existing utility owner mapping.