SUE Solutions contracted with UDOT Region Two and the project’s design consultant to conduct Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services for the SR-209; 90th S- State St. to 700 E. project, located in Sandy, Utah. The project and SUE investigations also included the intersection of SR-209 (9000 S) / Monroe St. SUE Solutions Scope of Work included Quality Level D (utility owner and mapping research), Quality Level B (designating), and Quality Level A (test holes). This project widened 9000 South from 5 to 7 lanes to provide better east-west connectivity, improve traffic flow, and enhance safety. SUE Solutions worked closely with design consultant and the project’s survey staff during the Quality Level B and Quality Level A investigations. Upon completion of the contracted SUE activities, SUE Solutions designated approximately 51,300 lineal feet of underground utilities to Quality Level B standards and specifications, and successfully completed 50 test holes to Quality Level A standards and specifications. Additionally, SUE Solutions also mapped approximately 16,200 lineal feet of utilities to Quality Level D standards. SUE Solutions completed the SUE activities on time and within budget (2% under budget). SUE Solutions worked closely with the 14 different utility owners within the project area consisting of culinary water, fiber optics (9 different owners), phone, CATV, electric, and natural gas. The final deliverable to UDOT and design consultant consisted of a comprehensive final SUE report which contained existing utility conditions and their limitations, photographs of designated utilities, existing utility owner mapping, and test hole data sheets.