Using its On-Call Contract with UDOT Region Two, SUE Solutions successfully provided utility investigations for this project located along SR-224 in Summit County, Utah. SUE Solutions Scope of Work included SUE Quality Level A (test holes). With this project, UDOT improved drainage along SR-224 between Meadows Drive and Cove Canyon Drive by replacing drains adjacent to the roadway and installing new storm drains across SR-224. Upon completion of the contracted SUE activities, SUE Solutions successfully completed 16 test holes. As part of the Quality Level A test holes, SUE Solutions also performed the survey and CAD related tasks pertaining to the test holes. SUE Solutions completed the SUE activities ahead of time and 20% under budget. The final deliverable to UDOT Region Two consisted of a comprehensive final SUE report which contained Test Hole Data Sheets, photographs of the utilities located, test hole survey data, and the CAD (Microstation) file of the Quality Level A test holes