Project Details

St. Mark’s Hospital Bed Tower Expansion, Salt Lake City, Utah


About This Project

SUE Solutions contracted with Northern Utah Healthcare Corporation and their design consultant to perform Subsurface Utility Engineering Services (SUE), in the form of Quality Level B utility designating (electromagnetic and GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar) to locate existing public and “private” utilities within the St. Mark’s Hospital property for their Bed Tower Expansion project located in Salt Lake City, Utah. SUE Solutions performed extensive utility owner research to obtain existing utility owner mapping to assist with their SUE efforts. SUE Solutions identified eleven “public” utility owners. St. Mark’s Hospital owns “private” electrical, gas, oxygen, nitrogen, water, and storm drain utilities which were located successfully. Upon completion of the SUE activities, SUE Solutions designated approximately 8,250 lineal feet of underground utilities (1,500 lineal feet of which was located utilizing the GPR), and located, mapped, and gathered information on over 1,100 lineal feet of existing sewer and storm drain. SUE Solutions completed the SUE activities on schedule and under budget.
