Project Details

US-191; North Moab to Colorado River Bridge


About This Project

SUE Solution’s team successfully completed the SUE activities for UDOT project located in Moab City, Grand County, Utah. The project consisted of a design for US-191 from 400 North in Moab to SR-128, just south of the Colorado River Bridge (MP 126.118 to 128.711). It focused on the reconstruction and widening of US-191 to five lanes with curb and gutter as well the design of a storm water sewer system. As part of SUE Solutions scope of work, SUE Solutions provided SUE Quality Level D (mapping and research of existing utility owners), Quality Level C (physical survey (VRS; GPS) of designation markings and test holes; and the “dipping” of existing sewer and storm drain facilities), Quality Level B (designating; horizontal locating); and Quality Level A (test holes; vacuum excavation). Due to the critical nature of the utilities and their locations, SUE Solutions provided approximate depths of the utilities utilizing their electromagnetic equipment. These approximate depths were then translated into the CAD platform (Microstation) creating a 3D depiction of the utilities, allowing the design consultant to identify a more defined list of locations where test holes were to be performed, in addition, allowing a more accurate design of the storm water and sewer systems. Upon completion, SUE Solutions mapped approximately 38,700 lineal feet of underground utilities to Quality Level B standards and specifications; located, mapped, and gathered data for approximately 8,900 lineal feet of existing sewer and storm drain facilities to Quality Level C standards and specifications; and successfully completed twenty-six (26) test holes to Quality Level A standards and specifications. SUE Solutions completed the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
