Project Details



About This Project

SUE Solutions successfully completed the utility investigations for the US-89, Antelope Drive Intersection Improvements project located in Layton, Utah, for UDOT Region One. The SUE investigations included Quality Level D (utility Owner research), Quality Level C (survey of physical utility features), Quality Level B (designating), and Quality Level A (test holes). The project includes the extension of Antelope Drive approximately a quarter of a mile to tie into the existing US-89 travel way. In addition, a new west side frontage road will be constructed as part of this project. As part of the SUE Quality Level B and A activities, SUE Solutions provided the survey tasks and CAD (mapping) tasks associated to the designated utility field markings and test hole locations. At the completion of the SUE investigations, approximately 43,500 feet of Level B designated utilities were located, approximately 1,400 feet of sewer and storm drain pipe was located and accounted for, and 58 test holes were performed as part of the utility investigations. Utility coordination efforts with existing utility owners, and local utility locating contractors also took place to account for those utilities that were not locatable by conventional means. SUE Solutions located utilities which included culinary water, secondary water, phone, CATV, fiber optics, electrical, natural gas, sewer, and storm drain. The final deliverable to the design consultant consisted of a comprehensive final SUE report which contained existing utility conditions and their limitations, photographs of designated utilities, survey data, existing utility owner mapping, test hole data sheets, and digital project files (CAD).
